Archive for July, 2011

We’re adopting!

I’m happy to share that we are hoping to add to our family by adopting. But I have to warn you–it ain’t easy. (This blog is living up to its name.)

It’s been said that after you’ve been certified is a good time to tell people you’re adopting, because you’re pretty sure by that point you will indeed adopt a child. The paperwork has been filled out, you’ve finished your classes, and you’ve been approved to adopt. Some say the waiting period is like being pregnant–a child is on the way.

Not quite so. No one will stop you on the street and offer congratulations. Friends and family don’t ask how you’re feeling or how your latest doctor’s appointment was. No ultrasound pictures to pass around and no dishing about swelling and nausea to other women. But all the wine and coffee you want! No pressure to have a drug-free delivery! No sciatica, preeclampsia, or stretch marks! Chalk those up as things I’m not sorry I’m missing by adopting rather than being pregnant.

 Another difference in our case is that we’re adopting through the foster care system and hoping for a younger child, but probably not an infant. The hopes and dreams I have for this child are different from those I would have if I were having a baby. I expect this child won’t have it as easy as the rest of the family. But I expect them to be a part of our family as much as I am, as much as Hank, as much as Shira. I am expecting . . . just not in the way you might think.

July 18, 2011 at 9:22 PM 2 comments

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